Pp. 704, 24 x 17 col Free to libraries (hardbound; ISBN 9 638 24319 8).
One of the most perplexing problems of the Sun is how the observed extensive magnetic fields form. An authoritative book states that a question remaining open is "The nature, or even existence, of the solar dynamo to generate the magnetic fields that give rise to solar activity."1 The answer is clearly stated in The Electric Universe; a splendidly illustrated and expensively produced book by the Hungarian physicist Dr. L. Körtvélyessy (ab. L.K.), written in English, with a few minor errors due to language difficulties. The heat of fusion in the solar core causes its atomic particles to attain high velocities, so that there is a continuous current flow along the temperature gradient front core to surface. Electrons are predominant in this flow as they have well over 1000 times less mass than a proton. This gives the surface of the Sun a layer of negative charge and the core an increasing positive charge. A continuous solar wind is ejected from the surface and periodically the positive charge on the core exceeds the breakdown value, causing planet-sized pieces to break away and he expelled towards the surface. The forces involved are gravitation electro-magnetic, eddy currents, and gyroscopic.
L. K. shows that this mechanism, briefly sketched here, explains nearly all the solar characteristics, such as sunspots, magnetic fields, flares, prominences, periodic variations, neutrinos, the apparent high temperature of the corona, and the influence, on Earth's climate. It is based on a rational explanation of the generated electric power needed for these features. The hypothesis of a dynamo involving moving flows of highly conducting material and 'frozen in' magnetic fields inside the Sun is unnecessary. This idea is now a relic of the past.
The evidence for large-scale electrical discharges was described by C. E. R. Bruce (1902-1979)2 but his published papers and mine1 were unable to offer a satisfactory explanation of the massive charge separation and accumulation required. Most astronomers ignored the evidence for electrical discharges, even in books claiming to include all aspects of astronomy, but now that L. K. has described a charging process of sufficient magnitude, this attitude can no longer be justified.
L. K. has applied his theory to the design of his very successful patented industrial thermocouples, described in his book4 on the subject. Both conductors of a thermocouple generate a voltage when there is a temperature difference between the junction at the hot end and the instrument connection at the cold end. The temperature reading is caused by the difference of these voltages. His very profitable thermocouple factory has enabled him to establish observatories in Germany and Hungary to study the Sun on a regular basis.
The Electric Universe also includes an explanation of neutron stars and their magnetic fields and also comments on the filamentare nature of the Universe as a whole.
L. K. offers his book to astronomers free of charge, and he has posted a copy to many individuals, but in order to discourage frivolous requests for a copy he asks that unless the book is for a professional library the person requesting a copy should donate an appropriate sum to a charity, say £25 or equivalent.
Send requests to Dr. L. Körtvélyessy Klever Berg 21, D-47533 Kleve, Germany. E-mail contact is DrLaKy (at) the-electric-universe.info Further information is on Ins website, http://www.electric-universe.de.
F. E.W. Crew
References :
(1) W. J. H. Phillips, Guide to the Suit (Cambridge University Press), 1992, P 72.
(2) C. E. R. Bruce, The Observatory 95, 204, 1975
(3) E. W. Crew, The Observatory 101, 1040, 1981
(4) L. Körtvélyessy Thermoelement Praxis (Vulkan-Verlag Essen), 1981 (in German)