Should you face any issues with this website, you could take a look here to find probably a solution:
Just for the case, that your browser does not support some features of this website, or you experience other problems with this website please have a look at these FAQ's:
1. Why are the pages mixed up?
2. Why does the page reload after I changed the window size?
3. I cannot open the PDF document! What shall I do?
4. Where can I get a browser which is compatible to style sheets?
5. I am not able to put more than one entry in your guestbook.
If you still can not solve the problem, send me an e-mail at:
Technical issues:
1. Why are the pages mixed up?
- This website is based on layers made by styles sheets. Some older browsers cannot work with this "language" properly.
2. Why does the page reload after I changed the window size?
- This "problem" should occur only with older Netscape browsers, since they have more difficulties with the style sheets.
3. I cannot open the PDF document! What shall I do?
- This document is compatible to Acrobat versions < 4.xx. It should work with older versions. Download the latest version here.
4. Where can I get a browser which is compatible to style sheets?
top of page- Choose from these most common browsers. This website has been testes with these browsers, without experiencing any issues.
5. I am not able to put more than one entry in your guestbook.
top of page- The guestbook is based on a freeware script called myguestbook V2.0
- The scipt contains an IP detecting part, so people, who did not know how to behave, won't be able to write an entry anymore. The bad side is that you are only able to place an entry once every net-session.
- For more informations pls visit
myGuestbook v2.0
© R1ddl3r
Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
myGuestbook 2.0 ist Freeware!